Print Politics - Print Power!


Exhibition Runtime: November 14th, 2020 - January 23rd, 2021

Exhibits can be viewed online (below) or in-person:

Masks and other COVID-19 precautions in effect for all visitors.


Print Politics - Print Power!

Printmaking, a process of image-making that allows and encourages the creation dissemination of multiples from a plate/block, stone or screen, has a long, rich history connected to political movements and awareness raising.

Images speak volumes to audiences, raising questions and making important connections. Images paired with text has the power to educate individuals about issues. Printing on paper or cloth allows the images to get out quickly and inexpensively into the public realm, reaching audiences beyond the standard gallery or museum.

This exhibition represents a sampling of local artists, emerging to established, who use printmaking processes to speak to political issues and social issues in need of greater illumination. This group of artists is in no way comprehensive as Milwaukee is rich with printmakers and artists who use print processes in their social justice-oriented work.

Artists include:
Jeanette Arellano, Susan Simensky Bietila, Jovanny Hernandez Caballero, Celest Conteras, Kim Cosier, John Fleissner, Paul Kjelland and Nicolas Lampert.



Migration is Beautiful

Jovanny Hernandez

Screen print

12.25 x 19 inches

Not For Sale

Lo Hago Por

Jeanette Arellano

For sale: in-person only, not online.

The individual masks are for sale for 20. Each and a portion of the proceeds go to “Julio Belongs Home in Wisconsin Fund”.

This installation is a symbolic representation of the current situation of voters during this time. This installation specifically focused on the Latinx voter. While masks are meant to protect people’s mouths, I made these masks to represent people's beliefs. These masks are physical representations of the reasons that individuals gave when they were asked why they go to vote and why they wear a mask. This installation represents the strength, power and unity within immigrants, dreamers, separated families, first generation voters, and naturalized citizens.

Porque yo puedo

  • Por mi patria

  • Por mi papá

  • Por mi mamá

  • Por mis hermanos

  • Por mis abuelos

  • Por el pueblo

  • Porque me da la gana

  • Para el futuro de mis hijos

  • Por mis antepasados

  • Para sobrevivir

  • Para proveer solidaridad

  • Por los que no pueden votar

  • Por los que siguen sufriendo

  • Por los que siguen esmerando

  • Por la justicia de todos los trabajadores

  • Por los sueños que un día sería realidad

  • Por la salud de mi familia

  • Por las familias separadas

  • Por mis estudiantes

  • Por un nuevo mundo

  • Por qué es mi derecho

  • Por el miedo ambiente

  • Por mi libertad

  • Por la injusticia de mi comunidad

  • Por las vidas negras

  • Para cambiar la sistema opresiva

  • Para la lucha de mi gente

  • Para la paz

  • Porque yo importo

  • Para proteger mis seres queridos

  • Por la victoria

  • Por los que luchan para mi

  • Por la igualdad

  • Para mi sexualidad

  • Para luchar contra la corrupción

  • Para que nos protegemos contra pandemia

  • Para mi educación


Celeste Contreras

Not For Sale

Angela Davis for President

Kim Cosier

Citrisolve Transfer

9 x 7 inches

Black Lives Built This

Kim Cosier

Relief print

15 x 11.25 inches


Kim Cosier

Relief print

14 x 15 inches

Water is Life

Nicolas Lampert

Screen print

18.75 x 25 inches


Nicolas Lampert

Screen print

11 x 14.25 inches

Alicia Garza BLM

Nicolas Lampert

Screen print

18.75 x 25 inches

Educators (NEA)

Paul Kjelland in collaboration with Claudio Martinez

Offset Litho

12.75 x 19.25 inches

Not For Sale

We Need Deep Roots

Paul Kjelland

Screen print

9 x 12 inches

Lift Up Young Voices

Paul Kjelland

Screen print

11 x 8.5 inches


Abolish Ice

Paul Kjelland with Jeanette Arellano

Screen print

12 x 12 inches

No Borders

Paul Kjelland

Screen print

La Clase Obrera

John Fleissner

Relief Print

18.75 x 25 inches

We Fight for Milwaukee

John Fleissner

Relief Print

9 x 12.75 inches

The Popular Wobbly

John Fleissner


Protect the Great Lakes

Susan Simensky Bietila

Silkscreen on Pre-printed Fabric

22 x 22 inches

Protect Public Education

Susan Simensky Bietila


19 x 25 inches

On Time

Susan Simensky Bietila

Etching & Aquatint

16 x 20 inches

Not For Sale

No Human is Illegal

Jeanette Arellano

11.25 x 20.25 inches

Not For Sale

Ovarian Revolt

Jeanette Arellano

19.25 x 23.25 inches

Not For Sale

Welcome Home

Jeanette Arellano

19.25 x 23.25 inches

Not For Sale


ArtTyler RobertsArt, Exhibit